
Being captivated of Beast fanfics now!! XD

it’s already 1 year I know bout Beast, but this is my first time to read their fanfics,, haha,,Β  i found it’s interesting since many romance, angst (wohooo,, ^^), comedy in it,, fans really know how to pleasure my lust of this boys,, khekhe,,

my favorite place to read was in asianfanfics, livejournal(Beastattack), and beastrising,,

let’s reading B2uty!!!


LeeJoon and Chansung say Indonesia,,

i think they love this country,, my country!! come visit Bali and other city in Indonesia,, and you’ll never think you want to go back to your country,, ^^

better you watch the vid,, hoho


Web design dan programming,, apa itu?

ok,, kali ini saya akan posting sesuatu mengenai web design and programming. Tapi maap klo ada salah-salah kata.. maklum, penulisnya juga baru belajar,, hehe,, πŸ˜€

Mulaaiiii,,,, web adalah suatu dokumen atau kumpulan halaman hypertext yang menyajikan tampilan dan fungsionalitas tertentu dimana dapat diakses melalui internet.

Dan ternyata buat web itu ngga asal sembarang (red:ga mudah, tapi bukannya sulit,,) dibuatnya lho,, butuh suatu perancangan tersendiri. Nah perancangan ini yang dibahas bakal dibahas di RPL (Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak). Kalo yang anak informatika pasti udah familiar ma kata RPL,, Disini bakal diajarin mengenai perancangan suatu aplikasi mulai dari DFD, ER Diagram mpe testing,,

Nah biar gampangnya, perancangan web itu digambarkan sebagaiΒ  sebuah piramida. Dimana dalam hal ini, batu-batu untuk membangun piramida tersebut menggambarkan isi dari suatu website. Fondasi (gimana nulis fondasi yg bner? Fondasi/vondasi/pondasi? LoL) nya dibangun di atas aspek teknologi dan visual.

web design, dimana seseorang harus dapat merancang suatu web yang dapat menjawab kebutuhan user web tersebut. Interface yang terstruktur tentu akan membuat pembaca dapat memahami dan mengambil informasi lebih mudah. Tampilan yang menarik akan membuat pengunjung melihat atau bahkan lebih mengeksplor fungsionalitas dari website yang sedang dikunjunginya. Oleh karena itu, sudah barang tentu web design adalah hal penting dalam membangun suatu web.

Sebelum membuat web, ada beberapa pertanyaan yang harus dapat terjawab.

  1. What = Apa saja data/informasi yang akan ditampilkan di web yang akan dibuat?
  2. Why = Mengapa website itu harus dibuat?
  3. Who = Siapa sasaran utama web tersebut?

Untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan diatas, tentunya tujuan pembuatan web menjadi penting. Analisis requirement dan spesifikasi akan dibutuhkan seperti menganalisis terlebih dahulu perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang digunakan demi mendukung web, teknologi yang digunakan, pemilihan software dalam menyusun kode, web server, dan DBMS, penspesifikasian halaman web dan penentuan content. Tentukan apa saja hal-hal yang mendukung selama pembuatan web misalnya harus didukung oleh HTML, PHP, Javascript., dan Ajax.

Oh iya, dalam pembuatan web, hati-hati dengan user sasaran. ingat!disini anda bukan pengguna,, anda harus memposisikan diri sebagai programer yang mengerti apa yang diinginkan oleh user. Klo boleh aku kasi contoh, misalnya diperancangan dah disetujui mau membuat web untuk anak-anak dibawah umur 10 tahun, nah mentang-mentang si programmernya udah 18 thn ke atas, dikasi lah kata-kata/gambar dengan konten dewasa -___-”. Jadi kenalilah user anda!


Source: Software Engineering a Practioner’s Approach 6th Ed. – Roger S. Pressman dan beberapa slide kuliah


Long time no seee,,, ^^

hello everybody,,
finally after a month and more, i come back to start writing again on my blog,, to fulfill the emptiness,, hehe,,

bogosipda yorobeun,,
i miss y’all sooo much!
i hope i still have reader here,, haha,, so it’s not wasting my time to publish those post above,,

today i already finished to watch family outing!!XD i know it’s kinda lame and maybe you’ll say, “you’re too late to watch it, i already watch it one year ago”… well,, i just find it was FREAKIN funny about one month ago,, ^^ thanks for my friend that introduce me to this show,,


Imcrew – get $10 by only sign up!

ok, i know this post isn’t relevant to kpop or korean world,,

i just wanna help my sista to promote this site,, since she keep begging me to post it here,, so here it is sist, i complete your wish,, LoL

my sister sign up at one sites called imcrew, she said that this is a good opportunity for us who want to make money from internet.

“Until the 1st of August, we are in the pre-launch stage. At the moment you can earn money by referring other users to join Imcrew – You will earn $2 for every active referral. Use your referral link to do this. After the 1.st of August You will be able to earn money by Reading and Sharing articles what we will provide to you, you will be able to earn up to $1275/month by doing this. you will be able to earn $2 for everyone you refer and also 20% of their Revenue what they get from reading and sharing articles.”

for your information, this site will give you $10 if you sign up now before 1 August this year. you’ll get $2 adding to your account if you get referral. minimum payout is $20. i think it’s easy, just call 5 of your friend to sign up and you can payout the cash.. LoL

if you interested, simply click the banner above,, and you’ll go directly to the site, just put your username and email. the password will given to you through email you put on imcrew.

ok that’s all that i can help you, sist. later on you must promote some kind of this topic on your own blog,, LoL if you don’t have, then make it!


Shinee new Song – Lucifer

honestly i’m so in love to shinee after i watched this MV

their new song is so catchy and cooool dude~^^

but i’m getting upset because their hairstyle is so. . . . oh i can’t say it,, especially for key, i can’t recognize him when see that video,, i just stay 0.0 and can’t believe my eyes,,

and now, taemin~ah looks so girlieeeee!!! XD

even Nichkhun from 2PM says

“Okey I really don’t think today is my day… Last night I saw SHINee’s “Lucifer”
teaser and it looked so great!!! Our Minho is so manly!khekhekhe”

check it out:

credit: KyuleeKPOPMV @ youtube

can’t resist the wave dance and when they gather become one and do like ‘buddha’ hands,, that’s so awesome!

this is the lyrics:

숨 을 곳도 찾지 λͺ»ν•΄ λ‚˜λŠ” ν”Όν•˜λ €κ³  애써봐도
κ±°λΆ€μ‘°μ°¨ ν•  수 μ—…λŠ” λ„€κ°œ κ°‡ν˜€λ²„λ¦° λ‚˜
μ‚¬λž‘μ΄μ—ˆλ‹€λ©΄ 정말 μ‚¬λž‘ν–ˆλ˜ 거라면 λ‚΄κ°œ μ΄λŸ¬μ§€λŠ” 말아
Her whisper is the Lucifer

*λ‚˜λ₯Ό λ¬Άκ³  κ°€λ‘”λ‹€λ©΄ μ‚¬λž‘λ„ 묢인 채
λ―Έ λž˜λ„ 묢인 채 컀질 수 μ—†λŠ”λ°
자유둭게 λΉ„μ›Œλ†“κ³  바라봐 였직 λ„ˆλ§Œ μ±„μšΈκ²Œ λ„ˆλ§Œ 가득 μ±„μšΈκ²Œ

κ±°λΆ€ ν•  수 μ—†λŠ” λ„ˆμ˜ 마λ ₯은 Lucifer
κ±°λΆ€ ν•  수 μ—†λŠ” λ„ˆμ˜ λ§ˆλ²•μ€ Lucifer
λ‹€κ°€μ„œλ©΄ λ„ˆλŠ” 마치 μ²œμ‚¬ 같은 μ–Όκ΅΄λ‘œ
λ‚˜ λ₯Ό μ‚¬λŠ” 이유라 λ§ν•˜κ³ , λ§ν•˜κ³ 

λ„ˆλ₯Ό 처음 봀을 λ•Œ 짧은 μˆœκ°„ λ©ˆμΆ°λ²„λ Έμ§€
λˆ„κ°€ 마치 λ‚΄ 심μž₯을 꽉 μ₯” 채 놓지 μ•ŠλŠ” κ²ƒμ²˜λŸΌ (μ•„μ§κΉŒμ§€λ„)
λ„ˆλŠ” κ·Έλ ‡κ²Œ λ‚΄ λ§˜μ„ λ‹€, λ‹€, λ‹€, λ‹€, λ‹€, λ‹€ 가져놓고
λ‹ˆκ°€ μ—†μœΌλ©΄ λ‚΄ 맘이 λ‹€ νƒ€λ²„λ¦¬κ²Œ λ§Œλ“ λ‹€


Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic

λ„ˆμ™€ 같이 λ‚˜λˆˆ μ‚¬λž‘μ˜ˆκΈ°λ“€ λ‚˜λž‘ 같은 곳을 λ°”λΌλ³΄λŠ” λ„ˆ
우리 더 이상은 μ™„λ²½ν•΄μ§ˆ 수 μ—…λ‹€κ³  λŠκΌˆμ„ λ•Œ
λ‚˜λ§Œ 쳐닀봐, λ„ˆλŠ” 더, 더, 더, 더, 더, 더 λ‚˜λ₯Ό 원해
λ‚˜λ§Œ 바라봐, λͺ¨λ“  게, 게, 게, 게, 게, 게 λ‹ˆκ°€ 쀑심

μ–Έμ œλΆ€ν„΄κ°€ μ‘°κΈˆμ”© 잘λͺ»λœ 것 κ°™μ•„ μ΄μƒν•œ λ„ˆ
λ‚  μ•Œλ˜ μ‚¬λž‘λ“€ λͺ¨λ‘ ν•˜λ‚˜ λ‘˜μ”© 겯을 λ– λ‚˜ λ‚œ 가진 게 λ„ˆλΏμ΄κ³ 


마치 μœ λ¦¬μ„±μ— κ°‡ν˜€λ²„λ¦° μ‚μ—λ‘œλ§Œ 된 것 κ°™μ•„
μ ˆλŒ€ 만쑱 μ—†λŠ” λ„ˆλ₯Ό μœ„ν•΄ 좀을 μΆ”λŠ” λ‚˜
ν›€νžˆ 듀여닀보고 λ‡Œλ₯Ό 만져 바보 된 것 κ°™μ•„
λ‚œ 점점 λ„€κ²Œ λŒλ €κ°€λŠ” κ²ƒλ§Œ 같은데

Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic

λ‹ˆκ°€ 미운 건 아냐 싫단 것도 아냐 단지 그런 λˆˆλΉ›μ΄ 뢀담일 뿐
μ–΄λ”” μ•ˆκ°€ μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ λ‚œ λ„ˆλ§Œ 바라보고 κΈ°λ‹€λ € μ™”μž–μ•„

λ„ˆμ˜ λˆˆλΉ›μ΄ λ‚  μ‚¬λ‘œμž‘λ‹€ 날이 μ§€λ‚ μˆ˜λ‘ λ‚ μΉ΄λ‘œμ›Œμ‘Œλ‹€
λ„ˆμ˜ 집착에 지쳀닀 만이 λ² μ—ˆλ‹€ λ§˜μ— ν”Όκ°€ λ‚œλ‹€
λ‚˜ μ“°λŸ¬μ§ˆ μ―€ 되면 λ‹€κ°€μ™€μ„œ μ²œμ‚¬κ°™μ΄ β€œμ‚¬λž‘ν•΄β€λž€ 말
λˆ„ κ°€ μ§„μ§œ λ„ˆμ˜€λŠ”μ§€ μ•Œλ‹€κ°€λ„ ν—·κ°ˆλ¦¬κ²Œ λ§Œλ“ λ‹€


마치 μœ λ¦¬μ„±μ— κ°‡ν˜€λ²„λ¦° μ‚μ—λ‘œλ§Œ 된 것 κ°™μ•„
λ‚˜ λ₯Ό 냅둬 μžμœ λ‘œμ›Œ 질 λ•Œ λ„ˆλ₯Ό μ§„μ§œ μ‚¬λž‘ν•  수 있고
ν›€νžˆ 듀여닀보고 λ‡Œλ₯Ό 만져 바보 된 것 κ°™μ•„
λ‚˜λ₯Ό 냅둬 μ§ˆλ¦¬κ²Œλ„ 말고 λ„ˆλ₯Ό μ§„μ§œ 바라볼 수 있게

λ‚˜λ₯Ό λ¬Άκ³  κ°€λ‘”λ‹€λ©΄ μ‚¬λž‘λ„ 묢인 채
λ―Έλž˜λ„ 묢인 채 컀질 수 μ—…λŠ”λ°
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
κ±°λΆ€ ν•  수 μ—…λŠ” λ„ˆμ˜ 마λ ₯은 Lucifer


Sumeul kotdo chatji mosae naneun piharyeoko aesseobwado
Keobujocha hal su eobneun neke kadyeobeorin na
Sarangee eotdamyeon jeongmal saranghaetdeon keoramyeon naeke eereojineun mara
Her whisper is the LUCIFER

Nareul mukko kadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eobneunde
Jayurobke biwonotko barabwa ojik neoman chaeulke neoman kadeuk chaeulke

Keobu hal su eobneun neoe maryeokeun LUCIFER
Keobu hal su eobneun neoe maryeokeun LUCIFER
Dakaseomyeon neoneun machi cheonsa kateun eolkullo nareul saneun iyura, marako

Neoreul cheoeum bwatseul ddae jjalbeun sunkan meomchwobeoryeotji
Nuka machi nae simjangeul kkwak chae notji anneun keotcheoreom (ajikkkajido)
Neoneun keureotke nae mameul da, da, da, da, da, da kajeonotko
Nika obseumyeon nae mami da tabeorike mandeunda

Nareul mukko kadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eobneunde
Jayurobke biwonotko barabwa ojik neoman chaeulke neoman kadeuk chaeulke

Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic

Nawa kaji nanun sarangyaekideul narang kateun koseul baraboneun neo
Oori deo isangeun wanbyeokaejil su eobdako neukkyeotseul ddae
Naman chyeodabwa. Neoneun deo, deo, deo, deo, deo, deo, nareul wonae
Naman barabwa. Modeun ke, ke, ke, ke, ke, ke nika jungsim

Eonjebuteonka jokeumssik jalmotdwaen keot kata eesanghan neo
Nal aldeon saramdeul modu hana dulssik kyeoteul ddeona nan kajin ke neobbuniko

Nareul mukko kadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eobneunde
Jayurobke biwonotko barabwa ojik neoman chaeulke neoman kadeuk chaeulke

Machi yuriseonge kadyeonbeorin bbieroman dwaen keot kata
Jeoldae manjok eobneun neoreul wihae chumeul chuneun na
Hwani deuryeodaboko nwaereul manjyeon babo dwaen keot kata
Nan jeomjeom neke kkeullyeokaneun keotman kateunde

Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic

Nika miun keon anya sildan keotdo anya danji keureon nunbichi budamil bbun
Eodi anka eeryeotke nan neoman baraboko kidaryeo watjana

Rap: Neoe nunbichi nal sarojabda nari jinalsurok nalkarowojyeotda
Neoe jibchake jichyeotda mani beeotda mame pika nanda
Na sseureojil jjeum dwaemyeon dakawaseo cheonsakaji β€œsaranghae”ran mal
Nuka jinjja neoyeotneunji aldakado hetkallike mandeunda

Nareul mukko kadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eobneunde
Jayurobke biwonotko barabwa ojik neoman chaeulke neoman kadeuk chaeulke

Machi yuriseonge kadyeonbeorin bbieroman dwaen keot kata
Neoreul naebdwo jayurowo jil ddae neoreul jinjja saranghal su itko
Hwoni deulyeodaboko nwaereul manjyeo babo dwaen keot kata
Nareul naebdwo jillikedo malko neoreul jinjja barabol su itke

Nareul mokko kadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae miraedo mukkin keojil su eobneunde
Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic
Keobuhal su eobneun neoe maryeokeun LUCIFER


Recommended Vid this month! Kissing Time!

annyeong chingu-ya!!! long time no see!!

it’s already one month and more i didn’t greet ya’ll well,, so busy w/ my college task, huhu,, -___-‘ but now i got one month free from my college!!! yaaay!!! XD

to fulfill my ‘nowhere’ holiday (since i’m doing nothing and can’t go anywhere,, LoL) for this several days i spent my time to watch videos from youtube and i found many interesting vids!! i want to share all of it, but some of the videos are already removed by the owner, so this is the left amusing vid that fill my holiday!!! πŸ˜€

It’s Kissing Time – Daeguknamah

It’s Kissing Time – ZE:A F4

It’s Kissing Time – ZE:A V

It’s Kissing TIme – F.Cuz

credit: 9Mazeltov@youtube

those vids will drive you crazy,, enjoy,, πŸ™‚


Heechul Dances to Tiara(Like The First Time)


he can dance so well,, go heechul!! ^^



hello everybody,,, ^o^

nice to meet you again here,, several days ago i really busy with my school work and test,, so that’s why i can’t post anything for about one week (or more?)

btw, kpop fan,, yesterday i find a new boy band,, i know it’s not that new, i’m too late to recognize them,, khekhe,, πŸ™‚

but! i try to listen their second MV, All Day Long,, and fall in love !!! XD


credit: NineEmpire2

story about fight in school,, and,, aaah! hard to explain! better you watch the MV!

the member are,,


2AM Teaser 잘λͺ»ν–ˆμ–΄ (I was Wrong)

daebak!! great!! hawwt!! (^o^)/

Seoul Ong Version

Jinwoon Version

Changmin Version

wait for jo kwon version!!!


Details of conference with Hottests regarding Jaebeom & 2PM

Please think deeply about the statement with the red highlight.

We have previously reported various fan rumors regarding the content of fan conference that JYP Entertainment held to discuss departure of Jaebeom. As more details are released and previous rumors are confirmed or refuted, this is the second edition to our report on this matter.

The conference lasted four hours, and the content was not released to the press by JYPE as they insisted that they cannot reveal what was said during the conference. This lead to many fan-created rumours about the conference. Oneday Room, a Korean fan page of 2AM and 2PM, released a summary of questions and answers.

I’ve personally translated this transcript into English for our readers:

Q: Underground (fanclub) submitted a new question sheet according to your request for a new one but you still have not answered to it.
A (Representative): We could not give any false answers to the questions as we were planning on announcing Jaebeom’s departure in late February, due to Jaebeom’s request. We wanted to talk truthfully in this conference.

Q: Fans seek to communicate with JYPE. In an event like this where you are to communicate the company’s position, why did you bring 2PM members who are not a part of decision making process within the company?
A (Representative): We believe that a conference like this could take place if the members spoke truthfully. If only the company representatives came, the fans wouldn’t believe us.

Q: We fans who are present right now will consider members who are here as representatives of JYPE and not a part of group 2PM, and consider the words that come out of your mouths as the words of the company. JYPE’s official statement says that the 6 members agreed on what was decided regarding Jaebeom on January 6th. Do any of you disagree with any of the said statements?
A (Members): We agree to the statement.

Q: Assuming the statement is true, why did you torture the fans and bring sympathy to yourselves by mentioning Jaebeom’s name even after January 6th?
A (Members): Jaebeom being a good friend is a different matter from him leaving the group. We don’t think it’s a problem for us to say that we miss him. We think even in future that we can say that we miss him if we miss him, and we don’t think that is a problem at all.

Q: We request that following details on termination of contract between Jaebeom and JYPE be answered and also request that you show us supporting documents as proof. When was the contract officially terminated?
A: February 26th.

Q: After the termination, what legal rights does JYPE hold regarding Jaebeom and how long do you hold those rights for?
A: We do not hold any legal rights.

Q: When does Jaebeom get paid indemnity and his share of profit?
A: There is no indemnity. His share of profit up to December was paid in full during January.

Q: Promise that there aren’t any clauses that limit him from returning to the entertainment industry in future.
A: There are no such clauses.

Q: We request JYPE be responsible this situation as they were not looking after their entertainer Jaebeom with utmost care. JYPE released statement filled with unclear words and thus made rumours surrounding Jaebeom and 2PM spread. Please tell us what you plan on doing about the rumours and what you plan on doing about damage done to Jaebeom, his family and the rest of 2PM.
A (Representative): JYPE is not responsible for personal matters of its entertainers and thus we believe that Jaebeom should be responsible for everything that he has caused. In a logical sense, Jaebeom is the wrongdoer and the company and the 6 members are the victims.

Q: Has JYPE done anything to protect Jaebeom from related news articles and TV programs since last September 5th? Requesting news articles and comments to be deleted aren’t hard, so why did you just watch the fire spread?
A (Representative): We have never requested news articles and comments to be deleted before the September incident. But we had tried our best. After the September incident, we have tried to delete comments and such, but the number of news articles regarding the incident was so large that we could not handle it all. Plus, the media is uncontrollable by us. I hope you understand our situation.

Q: According to JYPE’s statement, JYPE made final decision on Jaebeom on January 6th, but delayed announcing this fact for a month and 20 days, continuously using Jaebeom for marketing throughout the period. Even if the company did not directly and intentionally use Jaebeom for marketing, why did you just watch media sources use Jaebeom’s name?
A (Representative): It is true that final decision was made on January 6th. However, we agreed with Jaebeom to announce this matter in late February so we could not request anything to the media. Again, the media cannot be controlled by JYPE.

Q: Isn’t JYPE responsible for announcing the reason of Jaebeom’s termination as, of all things, β€œserious personal wrongdoing”?
A (Representative): We had reasons for that. We did not want the 6 members to be traitors. The 6 is more important than the one. We also could not lie in a statement written to be viewed by the entire nation. In practical sense, the 6 members are the victims and if we did not reveal the reason truthfully, then it would have created more rumors. That is why we revealed the reason truthfully, as β€œserious personal wrongdoing.”

Q: We are told that only the members and few within the company know what wrong Jaebeom has done. If it is indeed a serious matter then we as fans do not want it to be released to the public either. However, since only few within the company and the members know of the incident, can we assume that if the details do slip out into the public then it had been released by JYPE?
A: We hope that the details do not get released to the public; however, there are people who are not within the company that are part of the incident. There are possibilities of them releasing the matters so we cannot take any responsibilities.

Q: Does Jaebeom know that there is a conference happening at the moment? Does he know that JYPE’s official statement says that the reason for his termination is due to personal wrongdoings?
A (Nichkhun): We have texted each other up until recently and he knows that the conference is taking place. He even wanted to send a video message.
(Representative): He is aware of the statement as well.

Q: Is 2PM planning on selecting in a new member or electing a new leader?
A (Representative & Members): No.

Q: Is there no possibility of Jaebeom returning? What if he was to return as a member of a different management company?
A (Representative & Members): There is no possibility of him returning as a part of 2PM.
(Chansung): If Jaebeom was to return despite all that has happened, I’m all for him. However, I’m not positive about his return to 2PM.

Q: Couldn’t JYPE and the members ignore the issues? If the members did not agree to termination of Jaebeom, would the situation have come to this?
A (Members): It was something that could not be ignored.
(Representative): It was a matter that they could not disagree on, thus we believed that they would all agree. Even if they didn’t, the result would have been the same.

Q: The result would have been the same even if the MySpace incident did not happen?
A (Members): Yes.

Q: Do members take care of their Cyworld themselves? Are messages that were on the members’ Cyworld after September 8th really written by the members themselves?
A (Wooyoung): Yes. I felt anxious so I said I’m anxious.
(Chansung): Yes. I wrote β€œconfused” about a personal matter. It was not related to this situation.
(Representative): We were asked why we do not manage our entertainers in previous conferences. Our contract does not limit entertainers’ personal lives. It is something that the entertainers themselves should take care of.

Q: How do the members feel about the boycott?
A (Junho): We thought that Jaebeom would return so we did not care. We merely thought of it as a problem that would get solved when he came back. But I would be lying if I said we didn’t feel hurt by it. If fans continue to boycott us after this, I think I’ll feel that they just don’t want to see us anymore. However, we will continue trying our best in singing and performing.

Q: Do you realize that β€œserious personal wrong doing” part you wrote on the statement can be considered defamation if it was revealed to be not true?
A (Representative): We wrote what is true.

Q: What do you plan on doing about Jaebeom’s part when performing the first and second single from now on? Also, can he receive additional profits earned by those albums in future?
A (Representative): Jaebeom’s part in performances is something we have to discuss among ourselves. Additional profit would be a matter that copyrights association will deal with, not JYPE.

Q: Would 2PM fan club continue using the title β€œHOTTEST”?
A (Representative): Yes. Are the 6 members not a part of 2PM? No. The 6 members are still 2PM, so we will continue to use the title HOTTEST.

Q: Members made final decision on Jaebeom on January 6th. The members were currently away on vacation and were spotted with smiles on.
A (Wooyoung): It was our first vacation.
(Taecyeon): We are celebrities. We cannot frown in public.
(Chansung): I cannot make sad faces when meeting up with relatives over holidays. What do you want? Do you want us to cause a scene during live performances, asking for Jaebeom to come back?

Q: Do you know of rumors that are spreading on the Internet? Aren’t you going to protect Jaebeom?
A (Wooyoung): We are not abandoning him, we are protecting him. I thought that if the details were released in future, I might regret my decisions.
(Chansung): Please do not question our friendship.

(Junho): After being told about what he had done, I honestly disliked Jaebeom. We tried our best for his return, but right now, I think that staying silent is the best I can do for him.

(Taecyeon): Rumors will go away.

Q: JYPE revealed that contract with Jaebeom was terminated due to personal problems. Why was he not forced to pay any indemnity although he was the one responsible?
A (Representative): Other members of 2PM are promoting various products so indemnity might occur regarding that, but Jaebeom currently is not promoting any products. Thus he does not have to pay any indemnity to advertisers and although he is responsible for the termination, we decided not to charge him for anything.

credit: allkpop


Oh i think i gonna fainted.. that statement really make me dissapointed. And Junho, do you really this hate to Jaebum? you can even announce it to public.

The 6 is more important than the one. But do you think 6 is better than 7?


Behind The Scene of Jaebum’s Withdrawal

This is not what HottestJaebum write, we copy this comment from another site cause we found it very (or extremely) needed to read,, go decide by yourself to believe this comment is true or not,,

these boys are so not who i thought they were, please take the time to read this, i know it’s long, but it’s important information:

We have been able to reach our source. By now we’ve all read the many fan accounts from the conference and it’s obvious that the atmosphere was negative to say the least. The news we’re about to give to you is shocking and regrettable. The Hottests deserve everything from beginning to end, and have always deserved the whole truth.

It’s true that the boys’ manager had a meeting with them in their dorm beforehand to tell them how to behave at the conference. They wanted to calm the fans and also reinforce the β€œfacts” provided in their statement. When the time came around for the actual conference, things changed. We had no intentions of misleading our readers. We ourselves, really did think that it would be scripted.

What the members said during the conference was all their own thoughts. Our source told us that all the emotions were true, but Junho faked the crying. There are still parts from the conference that were scripted. Khun never called/messaged Jay. We all know that many things in the statement were false. The members, of course, said they were true.
That being said, most of the things said by the six were from their own mouths.

They’ve turned against Jay.

We’ve kept quiet about which members support Jay and which ones don’t. We did this because no matter what, we still believed in seven. We didn’t want to see fans fighting or bashing because of the other members and we didn’t want to give the other members trouble. We also believed that they still loved Jay. As long as they still loved Jay, Hottests and 6PM were still the same, and therefore we needed to protect them. That’s why, when everybody started bashing 6PM, we defended them.

After recent events, we’ve come together and decided.
We’re through protecting a group that failed to protect its own leader. We owe the truth to the Hottests. We owe it to Jay. Feel free to spread this.

Just like we’ve said before with everything we post, it’s your choice to believe it or not.
At first when the controversy exploded, Junsu and Junho were angry at Jay because of what he said. Junho yelled at Jay and Junsu ignored Jay when he tried to explain. They didn’t understand fully so they were confused and frustrated, like all the angry Koreans. As far as we know, Junho was still angry at Jay when Jay left for the airport. Taecyeon, Wooyoung, and Chansung cried and Taecyeon and Nichkhun tried their best to bring Jay back. As time passed, all six members wanted desperately to bring Jay back. More months passed. We got the news that members were starting to turn their backs on Jay. The biggest shock to us was Taecyeon, since he was the one who advocated the boycott the most in the beginning. At this point, Taecyeon, Junsu, and Junho were against Jay coming back and were also against the boycott. Taecyeon and Junho wanted more fame and popularity, while Junsu wanted the position of Leader. Nichkhun was in the middle. He supported Jay but also learned from his family that he should be grateful to JYPE for giving him opportunities. Wooyoung and Chansung were on Jay’s side, but Wooyoung soon moved to the middle too. Up until the few days before the conference, there were still three members waiting for Jay. The remaining members who decided that they don’t need Jay decided to tell Chansung and Wooyoung lies about Jay to bring them to JYPE’s side while Nichkhun was in the Philippines filming Danbi. Now they have both turned against Jay.
Nichkhun is the only member who is still waiting for Jay, but even he is not completely against JYPE.
We will not answer questions about this.

It’s true that the boys went to karaoke and got drunk after the conference. They had dinner before as well. Our source told us that they celebrated because they’re relieved to have Jay gone.

We want to reiterate that plans CAN CHANGE.
We said before that a video of Jay might be released. It has been filmed and they planned to show it at the conference, but didn’t. They’re planning on bringing Jay back to Korea. They will make him say to fans that he doesn’t deserve to come back. He will ask the fans to support the six members. This will serve as his final apology and farewell. This was originally planned to happen on February 14th, but it has been changed to the 28th.
PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS UNCONFIRMED. Our source just wanted us to warn you of what’s possible. It’s urgent that you SPREAD THIS.

Another side note, if the situation gets worse (I really don’t know how it can get much worse than it already is), it’s likely that 2PM will disband.
It’s your choice whether you want to support them or not. Right now… I don’t think anyone does. To us, it’s not worth supporting a group like this.

Our source left a message:
β€œToday’s 2PM is not the old 2PM anymore.”

Our writers have been by 2PM’s side from the start. We’ve done what we could and we’re grateful for our source, our affiliates, and our readers. We’ve confirmed with our source that even after all this chaos, Jay still wants to come back. We will update soon about what we can do to help Jay.
Writers will also update with their respective rants.
Our next official update might be our goodbye.
Thank you.

credit: insider2pm

This post is taken from allkpop, written by user called tabuzhidao


Jaebeom is not returning to 2PM


Yes. The worst has happened.

2PM’s leader Park Jaebeom has quit for good, after it was announced on JYPE’s website on February 25th, Hottests in Korea and from all over the world are in shock.

Excerpts from JYP Entertainment’s online letter:

β€œOn December 22nd, 2009, Jaebeom confessed to Jung Wook representative that he had done something wrong during Again and Again promotions. Apparently, it was far more serious than his MySpace controversy.

The six other members were not notified then as they were busy with year-end activities. On January 3rd, 2010, everyone of us (along with the members) sat down for a discussion and came to an agreement 3 days later that it was no longer possible for Park Jaebeom to continue activities along with 2PM.

We thus decided to terminate our exclusive contract with Jaebeom.”

JYPE stated that Jaebeom’s social impulses were a private matter and will not be revealed. They expressed that it was difficult to reveal the details of Park Jaebeom’s offenders who had intruded into his privacy and posted the comments.

JYPE had planned for Jaebeom’s comeback back in November 2009, with the idea of a return in April 2010, to which Jaebeom himself agreed. The plan was for Jaebeom to return to Korea in the 3rd week of February 2010 and have a press conference before resuming activities with 2PM in April. This comeback news were all kept secret, with the aim of protecting Jaebeom and 2PM. But it has now all become void.


Jaebeom is not returning to 2PM


Junsu’s past is a cat

I just want to share this pict to you,, don’t you think he’s so dammmn cuuuuuteeeee??? XDDDD

junsu cute like cat


Could you see Changmin’s tears??

I realized that he’s crying after read some news out there.. here it is the cut from the article..

What immediately raised curiosity of the viewers, however, was the quartet’s lead vocalist Changmin, who was seen with wet eyes during the performance of their title track. Some fans were moved by his tears, while others were gravely concerned about the reason for them.

Once in the waiting room, he explained to a journalist, β€œI was overwhelmed with emotion that tears fell. It’s not because of a serious matter or anything.”

In investing their heart and soul into singing, 2AM provoked an emotion among the viewers. It’s a beautiful thing when singers become so immersed in their own music that they shed a few tears. Artists like 2AM deserve to be awarded for such talent and stage presence, not those that sing about letters of the English alphabet.

credit: allkpop

2AM Hwaiting!!!



i love the song!! ^^

there’re 2 version of this vid:



there’re 2 version of this vid:



Hanami CF New Version

there’re 2 versions ofΒ  hanami CF in the previous time, but now TrendySnack has already adding the new version of this CF,, check it out! it’s funny!

2PM Hanami CF New Ver.


Behind The Scene of Hanami CF

part 1


part 2

part 3


SNSD has released Oh! MV

aww i love this MV! XDD all of them looks so cute!! I’m not a fan (not an anti too LoL) but i’m very surprised that they can give a great video to us!! Check out the MV!

credit: sment

but i really wondering what happened next! cause in the end there’re 9 of them who wear black suit,, it kinda make us curious right??


2AM full track song has already released!!

Daebak!! ^^ It’s really daebak!!! I love their song, to Her and Can’t let You Go Even In If I Die,, awesome!!

Watch it here!

2AM Track 01 – Intro

2AM Track 02 –

2Am Track 03 – Can’t Let you Go Even If I Die

(Download link)

2AM Track 04 – I Love You (feat. Baek Chan, Joo Hee of 8eight)

2AM Track 05 – To Her (feat 2PM Chansung)

(download link)

2AM Track 06 – Outro (I’m Laughing)


2AM Audio and the 4th teaser already out!

now is changmin’s turn with his solo mv teaser! i dunno why but i lurve the setting of da vid!!

btw, the audio teaser has already out!! XD Hottest will scream so loud when hear Chansung’s rap!

“Chansung? did chansung join 2am now?” no hella,, ^^ he just taking a part to his bro’s new upcoming mini album,, but still it sounds nice,, haha,,

credit: OneDayTV2

sorry, the download link for this video isn’t come out yet. I hope I can give the link as soon as possible. Gidarida Hottest!! ^^


New Upcoming Album (Teaser Preview) 2AM

heii heii ^^

finally my exam has done!It means i have much times to online,, hehe,, For now i just wanna share the new teaser from my fav goup,, 2AM!

2AM MV Teaser – Cant Let You Go Even If I Die (죽어도 λͺ»λ³΄λ‚΄)

(download here)

2AM Seoul Ong Teaser – Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die (죽어도 λͺ»λ³΄λ‚΄)

(download here)

2AM Jinwoon Teaser – Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die (죽어도 λͺ»λ³΄λ‚΄)

(download here)

credit video: OneDayTV2

Seems like the full MV will released on 21.01.10,, And you know, the title has a deep meaning “Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die”,, Impressive!! 2PM, i think you must learn from your bro to still keep faith, to the only one LeadJa, like this title album said,,

I love their voices!! πŸ˜€ can’t wait till all of the teaser come out!


What’s your heart beating for??

a video that i made for HottestJaebum’s channel,, Hope y’all can watch it, share it, or perhaps comment it,, ^^ your comment are very welcome,,

want to comment this video? go to this link!


Recommended Drama this month: You’re beautiful

ei ei!!!

i love this drama! πŸ˜€ you must watch it!

for Korean band lovers, i think you’re already know Hongki from FT Island or UEE from After School, and for drama lovers i think you should know Jang Geun Seuk and Park Shin Hye (netizens say she has a similiar face with Yoon Eunhye),, yes fella, they’ll have a role in this drama,,

Story about Go Mi Nyu(Park Shin Hye) , a female gemma who has a twin brother, Go Mi Nam,, Go Mi nam is a talented singer who wanna be a big star because he want to search his mother,, but when he’s already contracted with A.N.JELL, he got a surgery and can’t open his eyes(well, this is what his manager said in this story). So Go Mi Nam’s manager come to beg Go Mi Nyu, he want Go Mi Nyu become Go Mi Nam for one month until his brother back. In A.N.JELL she meet Tae kyung(Jang Geun Suk), Jeremy (Lee Hongki), and Kang Shin Woo(Jung Yong Hwa). In the beggining time, Tae Kyung know that she is a girl and keep this secret. Yoo He Yi (UEE) who knows the truth about Go Mi Nam, utilize this to make Tae Kyung become his boyfriend,, so what happened to Go Mi Nam next?? you should watch it by yourself!^^


Credit:Β  AfterSchoolCraze


Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Sorry for this late greetings,,

hope we’ll always be blessed this year!


100.000 visitors!! kamsahamnida,,^^

aigoo,, XDΒ  this blog is already reach 100.000 visitors!! kamsahamnida chingu,, ^^ kamsahamnida for my blog reader who always support me by read, post a comment, or download Korean stuff in this blog,, without you this blog will not stand till now,,

once again,, κ°μ‚¬ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€!!


SNSD’s SooYoung, β€œI Look Like A Boy, Right?”

SNSD’s Sooyoung, while making an appearance on β€˜Y star Exclusive News!’ in the episode of β€˜Choi Sujin’, her older sister, showed one by one photos of her childhood.

The photos revealed a thin, dark skin, boyish Sooyoung with short hair, which confronted with her present pure and matured image, creating a big issue.

During the broadcast, Sooyoung sent a video message to her older sister and musical actress, Choi Sujin, apologizing about not being with her because of her schedule, showing a regretful and anxious heart with her flowing tears.

Sooyoung, who is receiving a lot of love by the public with her slim body and height, is currently a MC for MBC’s Fantastic Duo, making her way so that β€˜MCing’ can be her speciality.

Also, she will show her impressive side as a singer in the upcoming December, 19th and 20th, through SNSD’s first Asia Tour Concert, starting at the Seoul Olympic Stadium, Fencing Arena.

Source: The Times
Translations: jek_093 @ Soshified

credit: minsarang@wp


StayStrongJay2PM background

because there are so many Jaebum”s fans who wants to have StayStrongJay2PM’s background pict, here it is we already uploaded. . .

2PM Heartbeat with Jaebum

download link: click here

Jaebum photoshot for Heartbeat

download full background: click here

want more free downloaded stuff about Korean? Find it here!!


3 Members Ignored SM Deadline, Both Parties Stood Their Ground – What Will Happen to TVXQ?

Today is the last day for SM Entertainment and the three members to come to a decision. However, both parties have still failed to do so.

The three members of TVXQ (Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun and Youngwoong Jaejoong) and SM Entertainment have still not come to a decision. Both sides are standing strong with their choices, not giving in to the other. Thus, the possibility of them reconciling is decreasing each day. Recently during a press conference, SM has requested the three members to come to a decision by the 12th. However, even though the 12th has passed, there is still no news and this has made fans very worried.

On the 12th, SM Entertainment and the three members of TVXQ did not release any statements; both are still not giving in to the other party. We’re afraid that we cannot anticipate SM Entertainment and the three reconciling.

Regarding the stand of the three members, their representative lawyer from the Sejong Law Firm stated, β€œOther than those that had already been said, there are no other new updates.” SM Entertainment also said on this day, β€œWe have not received the reply of the three members, meaning that they are not yet ready to officially make a stand.”

In the end, there was still no decision made on the 12th and TVXQ’s activities may now have problems. In this situation, fans hope that TVXQ can be reunited. The fans said, β€œWe hope that both parties can give in a little, so that we can once again see the future of TVXQ.” An anonymous person from the entertainment industry said, β€œTVXQ is Korea’s representative.” β€œAbandoning the stands of the singer and the company, I hope there will be a good ending to this, for the sake of Korea.”

However, someone else from the entertainment industry had a different opinion and said, β€œFrom the start, both their stands are already very strong and clear, and getting back together is a difficult thing,” and β€œInstead of just hoping that things will be fixed, they should make the decision to get what they want.”

Source: newsen + TVXQasia
Translations: jaesarang @ OneTVXQ



Yuri Throned Most Popular of β€˜Invincible Youth’ G7

SNSD’s Yuri gained the most popularity out of the seven girl group members in the KBS2 variety program β€˜Invincible Youth.’

On β€˜Invincible Youth’ that was aired on the 13th, Yuri topped members such as Kara’s Goo Hara, SNSD’s Sunny, Brown Eyed Girls’ Narsha, T-Ara’s Hyomin,Β  Secret’s Han Sunhwa to show the highest popularity at the signing event.

The girls opened the signing event to sell 3 boxes of apples at KangWonDo HongChun. 4 Minute’s Hyuna was unable to attend due to a cold.

In the midst of disarray they became aware the rivalry between them,Β  Narsha attracted people with Brown Eyed Girls’ famous β€˜Impudent Dance’ (Abracadabra) and T-Ara’s Hyomin gave people a laugh by saying that she would visit people’s homes to sign.

On this broadcast they sold off some of their personal items that they usually cherish so much.

Source: Asia Economy
Translations: Just Love~! @ Soshified.com

credit: minsarang@wp


091114 Kikuchi P’s Otogumi Blog

2009/11/13 We Opened the HP for β€œ2009 FNS Music Festival”

Today, on 0::00
We opened the β€œ2009 FNS Music Festival”
This year’s festival will be a live broadcast on
December 2 (Wed)
19:00 onward, for 4:30 hours.

T/N : The FNS Music Festival is an annual music show produced by Fuji Network System and Fuji Television, one of the largest music awards in Japan. The music show is broadcasted every year on the first Wednesday in December, for approx 4 and a half hours. Up to 2008, the ratings for this music show was the No. 1 for commercial broadcasting stations 6 years in a row, the average ratings are 20% plus.
For your information, the producer (Kikuchi P) and the staffs (Otogumi) for the FNS MUSIC FESTIVAL and the BOY POP FACTORY are the same.
Jaejoong and Yoochun performed at the BOY POP FACTORY 09 ( August 20) this year.

We have made the announcement 1 week in advance compared to last year,
So we cannot confirm all the participants.
We will make new announcements soon,
So please look forward to them!
Although there are lots of problems…
I sincerely hope that everyone can perform on stage.

T/N Looking into the 2009 HP, 24 artists’ participation has been confirmed. (There were 30 artists/groups participating in 2008.) From 2009 HP, I can see the names of avex artists as Ayu, Koda Kumi, Exile, and Girls Next Door on the list, so the PD seems to have a strong contact/relationship with avex. I am sure that there has been talks of Tohoshiki participating, but considering all the uncertain lawsuit…well, let’s keep our fingers crossed for their participation until the last minute!

T/N again: Up to this time, I can see 382 comments for this article, almost half of them requesting & longing for Tohoshinki’s participation.

Source: Fuji TV 2008 FNS MUSIC FESTIVAL & Fuji TV 2009 FNS MUSIC FESTIVAL & Kikuchi P’s Otogumi blog
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


GENIA FESTIVAL: TaeYang Will Perform β€˜Wedding Dress’ Live on the 15th!

Idol group Big Bang member, Taeyang released his single β€œWedding Dress” on November 13th.

He has been away from the music industry for more than a year, and will be coming back to SBS Inkigayo on Sunday to perform β€œWedding Dress” Live for the first time. YG Entertainment announced that Taeyang will be promoting this single until the end of the year.

The song which was co-written by YG’s main producer Teddy talks about a man who has to let go of the woman he loves to another man. Teddy has produced many other hits for YG Ent. such as, 2NE1’s β€œLollipop”, β€œI Don’t Care” and his most recent one, β€œYou and I” by Park Bom.

Taeyang’s fans are anxiously waiting for this performance, after he left everyone wanting more after his first and only β€œWhere U Atβ€œ performance. However fans should be happy now that he will promote all the way until December. Taeyang will be performing this Saturday on SBS Inkigayo at 4:00pm (korean time).


Source: ibigbang/wordpress

CREDIT: minsarang@wp


GENIA FESTIVAL: SHINee vs 2PM β€œβ€™Meat Eaters’ And β€˜Vegetarians’ Finally Compete”

Meat eaters and vegetarians finally compete.

Rival 2PM and SHINee will be performing on KBS 2TV β€˜Music Bank’ stage together. They were competing together with different styles since debut, now they are back to competing against each other once again.

2PM with their new title song β€˜HeartBeat’ and SHINee with β€˜Ring Ding Dong’ which was hit first place for twice in a row.
β€˜HeartBeat’ written by JYP Producer Park Jin Young, is placed first on some music charts and is getting lots of attention.

β€˜Ring Ding Dong’ which has been swiping all the first places on various charts for popularity, is again going after the 1st place…

But unfortunate point is that Onew, leader will be not performing as he has the Swine Flu. Last times, Super Juniors took his place but this time, on 13th, β€˜Music Bank’, Only 4 of SHINee members will be performing on stage without any help.

A relative reports that β€œOnew is on recovering stage but is not recovered enough to perform on stage yet.”

Source: newsen
Translations: jojo@weareshining

CREDIT: kpopjjang


GENIA FESTIVAL: “TVXQ will release their new song, “BREAK OUT!” in the new year 2010.”

In Korea, the media reports their views that it will be difficult for the five members of TVXQ to perform together.
They also reported that their future activities in Korea during the early part of 2010 are unclear.
Meanwhile, TVXQ’s concert in China, which was supposed to take place on the 21st of November 2009, has been cancelled.

However, in Japan, it has been decided and reported that

“TVXQ will release their new song, “BREAK OUT!” in the new year 2010.”

And also,

“TVXQ’s fan meeting performances have been confirmed.” (In January 2010.)

Avex has reported that

“There is no change in plan with TVXQ’s activities in Japan.”

-Nikkan Sports News and Asahi News
-November 14th, 2009

T/N: Meaning that all the activities planned in Japan WILL happen.
No change at all in Japan!
All five of them will release the new song “BREAK OUT!” together,
and they will perform at the fan club event together next year.
And they will soon fly to Japan together to do their end-of-the-year activities.

Always Keep The Faith!

Source: Nikkan Sports News + Asahi News
Translation: Junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! @2uAngels


GENIA FESTIVAL: K-pop Group HAM to Debut in Japan

K-pop girl band HAM is set to debut in Japan next month, according to the agency on Friday.

The four-member group will appear on a month-long TV shows titled β€œIdol Sniper” in Osaka with CS Victory channel, LeeYeon Entertainment said in a press release.

LeeYeon explained HAM will go into shoot in December and the show is set to air in Japan in January.

They are also set to hold a joint concert, both in Korean and Japan, alongside Japan’s idol duo Marry Doll and perform at numerous concerts in Osaka, including the β€œSuper Live 2010β€³ on March 28.

HAM, which stands for β€œHeart And Mind” β€” debuted in September with the single β€œT.T Dance”. The group’s agency also announced that they will release a follow-up single in early December.

Reporter: Lee Hye-rin rinny@asiae.co.kr
Editor: Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
credit:: KPOPJJANG


GENIA FESTIVAL: trans cassiopeia COncert!

Would you be willing to attend this type of concert?

Everyone should already know about the Shenzhen concert cancellation. During these times of doubt, our admin team has been thinking of a way to lessen everyone’s suffering and lift their spirits. There’s no need for more words, only determination and faith, along with the phrase, β€œWe are always standing by TVXQ”. With these thoughts in mind, we came to an idea, when we noticed so many of our fellow Cassiopeians came to the same thought, Cassiopeian’s strength makes us proud. As of right now, if there is going to be a concert, the venue will decrease in size, there won’t be fancy lights and blasting speakers, and there wont be our buys… however, there will be a unity of loving hearts singing and shining in place of our boys. My dear fellow Cassiopeians, would you like to attend this type of concert?

Considering the fact that a lot our of sisters could no longer return their plane tickets, thus can not get a refund, we refuse to let those tickets go in vain. Even though you may not see our boys, we would like to create happy and unforgettable memory for them to bring home. So, we would like to propose an idol-less concert full of love.


GENIA FESTIVAL: Boyband action taking over the Kpop stage of 2nd half for 2009

The Kpop scene has taken a change, from the β€˜war’ of the girlgroups which went on for the first half of the year, now is the time of the boy groups.

Just looking at the performance list for KBS Music Bank on 13th November, we have 2PM comeback stage, and also performances by FT Triple, BEAST, SHINee, UKiss, SHU-I etc. And there is also SS501 and MBLAQ who did not perform on the show that day.

And backstage, you can see the boy group members giving out their CDs and because they are all from the same age range, it was obvious that the members are close friends with one another.
Also, you can see the boys dancing and singing along when other boy bands are performing on stage.

We see a start of a change of scene on the Kpop stage with the boy groups coming back in action.


Remember how these folks were the talk of the Kpop town earlier this year?


credit: KBites


GENIA FESTIVAL: Kim Heechul, β€œActing, Very Precious” Filled With Passion

Kim Heechul, β€œActing, Very Precious” Filled With Passion


Appearing in the SBS weekend drama <I Love You Ten Million Times>, singer, & at the same time actor Kim Heechul is full of passion towards acting.

Recently, Kim Heechul said in an interview, β€œ(I) watch every episode, & I’m working to be able to show better acting.” He also stated, β€œone day while I was watching <I Love You Ten Million Times>, I saw a scene of this chubby version of myself & got a shock. After that I started trying to lose weight, & I’ve recently succeeded. As actor Kim Heechul, I wanna show everyone an even better side.”

Leading on, Kim Heechul expressed, β€œwhen I’m acting I’m really content. Especially when Sa Mija sunbae etc other sunbae give me advice & encourage me.” He added, β€œI’m working hard for every episode because I want to show an even more matured side of me.”

Kim Heechul said, β€œbe it as an actor or a singer, I’ve always paid attention to myself, & am careful about what I do. Lately as an actor, I never slack when it comes to practicing so that I can bring an even better performance”, hope that everyone anticipates this.

On the other hand, <I Love You Ten Million Times> which Kim Heechul is acting in is currently rating around 20%, claiming the number one spot along with KBS 2TV’s <Three Brothers>.

original; star news & η›Όη›Ό @ heehouse.com
translation credits; fragment @ sj-world.net
found & requested by; venus @ sj-world.net
may take out with proper credits, BUT NO ADDING YOURSELF IN THE CREDITS!


GENIA FESTIVAL: Eunteuk poem

DJ Leeteuk’s poem


<Autumn Wind>

Wind blows..cool autumn wind..
Wind blows..cool autumn wind that goes through my inner heart..
Fallen. My heart that has once loved you
Already burnt to ashes, that fallen leaf in my heart.
Fallen. That which has once rowed through the air
That one and only star.

That missed and yearned for season.
That lonely and solitary season.
That lonesome and desolate** season.
Wind blows. Autumn wind..

*moist as in smooth, clear…emotional?
**not as negative as it sounds, just more like alone and empty

DJ Eunhyuk’s poem


<Revise Autumn>

Wind blowing
Passing my face to tell me autumn is here

Leaves falling to zero*
Passing my feet to tell me autumn is here

Prominent appetite
Fill my stomach to tell me autumn is here

Eunteuk ah have come to life
Stayed at the place of revision and thus saved KTR**

*As in there is zero left that haven’t fallen
**The β€œrevision” probably refers to the changes in the sukira program

Credits: DJ Eunteuk &sjbluecn
Translated by Fever @ sj-world.net
Do not modify or add your own credits. Please do not re-translate!


GENIA FESTIVAL: SJ Concert Online Sales in December….

SJ Concert Online Sales in December….
SJ Concert Online Sales in December, Not Afraid to Clash with Sub-Unit SJ-M

China Times [Ye Yixin/Taipei]

Super Junior’s (SJ), with the earth-shattering hit β€œSorry, Sorry”, sub-unit SJ-M will be coming to Taiwan on December 5th and 6th to hold their fan meetings, which may clash with pre-order ticket sales period for SJ’s February 20th concert in Taipei Arena next year. SJ’s organizers, Super Dome expressed that currently the pre-order period has not been decided, but they are not worried of a clash since fan meetings and concerts are different, and SJ ticket price is slightly lower as well.
Pre-ordering of tickets for the mosh pit* area is expected to begin in December. Worried that fans may queue overnight (to get tickets), organizer Super Dome has decided to turn to the internet pre-ordering system instead. After fans have registered as a Dome member, they would be able to carry out internet booking. Through computer system selection, tickets with printed numbers will be sent out 15 days before the start of the concert, preventing scalping**.

Super Dome spokesperson Hou Wenyan pointed out that scalpers have recently tried to purchase 3,000 tickets, but were sternly denied by Dome. β€œEach person can purchase 4 tickets only, we will thoroughly filter through information for suspicious scalpers”. Hou Wenyan indicated that there are about 2,000 mosh pit tickets, fans who are unable to get the pre-ordered tickets will be able to purchase tickets when sitting area tickets go on sale.

Source: chinatimes.com.tw & Yahoo! News Taiwan
Translated by viragis@SJ-World.net
May take out with full and proper credits

* – standing area before the stage
** – tickets sold by scalpers are exceptionally high and normally they target fans without tickets outside concert venues. Another point to note is that they may not be selling real tickets

thanks to makenyosh for the tip!


GENIA FESTIVAL: Boom Ideal Girl is,,,

On the November 14th episode of KBS 2TV show Champagne, Boom revealed his “ideal girl.” Out of all the celebrities in the industry right now, Boom said that former After School member Soyoung was the closest to his “ideal girl.” Out of 16 other females Boom chose Soyoung, saying: “Ever since her debut, it’s always been her.” He also added how he admires how she manages her current life in the media along with her studies. When asked “While you’re in the military and you feel a bit down, let’s say you have a photo of someone in their pajamas to comfort you; who would you want the star of this picture to be?” Boom’s answer was yet again Soyoung. Boom concluded by saying that, “I hope she visits me while I’m in the military.”

credit : allkpop


GENIA FESTVAL: IU sweetens her Inkigayo comeback


After IU released her full track and music video recently, she already sweetened the stage with her performances of “Marshmallow” on Music Bank and Music Core. Now she is back for her third comeback performance on SBS‘s Inkigayo!

IU’s perfect vocals does not disappoint, and it seems like she’s getting better by the day! With all these girl groups debuting, it’s nice to see a solo artist rocking the stage with her flawless vocals and adorable dance, don’t you think? Furthermore, the adorable marshmallow mascot bouncing on the side makes the performance that much cuter.


credit: allkpop


GENIA FESTIVAL: f(x) Chu in Inkigayo

Inkigayo has a reputation for bringing the cute out in every k-pop artist, but this week they overdid it with f(x).

The quintet of SM girls preformed Chu~β™‘ off of their new single, but the usual boring typeset lyrics had a bit of a twist.

In the lyrics that are displayed at the bottom, every time the word Chu~β™‘ popped up, a big colorful heart encircled it.

As always Victoria brought the sexy, Sulli and Krystal brought the cute, Luna brought the mature, and Amber brought the fierce.


credit: allkpop


GENIA FESTIVAL : Tired of Waiting Lyrics (Romanization and English)


I’m getting tired of waiting

You know

Do you know how I feel?


I’m getting tired of waiting

Do you still remember me?


Even as a day goes by, I can’t forget you

Even if a month goes by, I can’t let you go

Do you know that I still want you?


I’m going crazy while waiting for you

Every single day feels like a year

I’m waiting

I’m getting tired of waiting


It feels like you could come back any second

It feels like I could just turn around and see you

I’m just getting tired, I’m just getting tired


I fall asleep in case I see you

I’m still waiting for you

A month could pass and I wouldn’t forget you

A year could pass and I wouldn’t let you go

Do you know how I feel?


I’m going crazy while waiting for you

Every single day feels like a year

I’m waiting

I’m getting tired of waiting


It feels like you could come back any second

It feels like I could just turn around and see you

I’m just getting tired, I’m just getting tired



My head feels so complicated, I could explode

I’m waiting and waiting but no word from you

There’s no way you could leave because of me

It’s so hard for me right now, so hard for me


I’ll wait even if it’s a year

I’ll wait even if it’s 10 years

I don’t care if I get tired of waiting for you


I’m going crazy while waiting for you

Every single day feels like a year

I’m waiting

I’m getting tired of waiting


It feels like you could come back any second

It feels like I could just turn around and see you

I’m just getting tired, I’m just getting tired



gidarida jichin da you know?


gidaridaga jichinda… mm

you know non non ne mam ani oo~ (you know, you know)

gidaridaga to jichinda… mm

nonun ajigdo nar gioghani oh no, no~


haruga jinado nan norur mod ijo

handari jinado nan norur mod nwajwo

ajigdo nor wonhan ne mamur ani oh no, no~


norur gidarida jichyo michigo

to haru haru meir gathi irnyoni gadgo

oh~ nan (na na na~) gidaridaga nor gidaridaga

gumbang irado niga dashi orgodman gadgo

dwidorasomyon dashi norur borgodman gatha

oh~ nan (na na na na~) jichyo michigo nan jichyo michigo yeah


niga orka bwa to chamnunda (oh yeah, yeah~)

norur ajigdo nan gidarinda oh yeah~

handari jinado nan norur mod ijo

irnyoni jinado nan norur mod nwajwo

ajigdo nor wonhan ne mamur ani oh no, no~


norur gidarida jichyo michigo (oh~ no~)

to haru haru meir gathi irnyoni gadgo (no, no~)

oh~ nan (na na na~) gidaridaga nor gidaridaga yeah

gumbang irado niga dashi orgodman gadgo (ooh, ooh~)

dwidorasomyon dashi norur borgodman gatha

oh~ nan (na na na na~) jichyo michigo nan jichyo michigo yeah~

oh yeah~


we irohge nan jaku himdunde

moridsogi bogjabhe jugethne (yeah, yeah, yeah~)

gidarigo gidaridon nainde

ajigdo soshigi obnunde (oh~)

no teme urdon nega aninde

na teme tonar niga aninde (oo~ yeah, yeah, yeah..)

ocheso iron nega himdunde

otohge jigum nomu himdunde


irnyon irado nan gidarirgoya

shib nyonirado nan gidarirgoya

oh~ nan nan nan nan~ nan nan nan nan~

gidaridaga (oh!) nan jichyodo joha (oh~ yeah)


norur gidarida jichyo michigo (jichyo michigo~)

to haru haru meir gathi irnyoni gadgo (irnyoni gadgo)

oh~ nan (na na na~) gidaridaga nor gidaridaga yeah


gumbang irado niga dashi orgodman gadgo (ooh ooh~)

dwidorasomyon dashi norur borgodman gatha

oh~ nan (ooh~) (na na na na~) (yeah, yeah~)

jichyo michigo nan jichyo michigo yeah~



GENIA FESTIVAL: 2PM Life Performance Comeback Stage

GENIA FESTIVAL: 2PM Life Performance Comeback Stage

Finally they back!! But it’s not 2PM, it’s 1:59 PM,, so sad with no Jaebum,, T^T.

Oh Yeah! Concert is their first comeback stages after release their new MV, heartbeat. It’s nice to see them can perform well. Hope Jaebum can back sooner so I can see his dance again in stage!! In my mind, I’m about to know why JYP give their new album name is 1:59PM. Is he now agreeing with Hottest that 2PM is gone and replaced by 1:59 PM? Or there’s a chance of Jaebum to come back to Korea and join 2PM? Well, just JYP and his mind who knows the answer.. LoL

[FANCAM] Heartbeat – 1:59M Come back stage oh Yeah! Concert


[Live] 091114 2PM heartbeat@Music Core

sometimes when I watch their MV or performance, I feel the emptiness. I can’t see anymore the feel of 2PM, perhaps cause Jaebum ,the leadja is not here to lead their group. I always believe that someday he’ll back to 2PM. I don’t know where’s this confidence from.Β  But for me, 7 is better than 6. 7-1 it never happened. 7 is always 1.


Finally they back!! But it’s not 2PM, it’s 1:59 PM,, so sad with no Jaebum,, T^T.

Oh Yeah! Concert is their first comeback stages after release their new MV, heartbeat. It’s nice to see them can perform well. Hope Jaebum can back sooner so I can see his dance again in stage!! In my mind, I’m about to know why JYP give their new album name is 1:59PM. Is he now agreeing with Hottest that 2PM is gone and replaced by 1:59 PM? Or there’s a chance of Jaebum to come back to Korea and join 2PM? Well, just JYP and his mind who knows the answer.. LoL


GENIA FESTIVAL: Rain Asian Tour 2009, have a concert in Indonesia??

Weew weew weew!!! This is really a good news for Rain’s fans in Indonesia,, coz oppa will held his first performance here, in our country!! The performance is held in Jakarta, Mangga Dua Square.Β  We must proud cause usually idols from Korea will choose some country like Malaysia, Singapore, or Thailand to held the concert. But this time is a bit different. Rain his self choose Indonesia to be the only Asia South East country that he want to perform.That’s why many fans fromΒ  country around Indonesia like Malaysia and Singapore will come to see his performance . Well,, It’s rain baby!! ^^

If you ask, β€œare you attend to Rain’s concert?” to me, I’ll answer immediately NO. It’s not because i’m his anti (I always watch his dramas and his song is in my mp4, so i think i’m not an anti of him raiite??), but because of that concert is held when the school day! Graaah!!! How can my college give a permit to come to Rain’s concert? Maybe they ask, β€œWho’s Rain?”. And I don’t want it happend. LoL

The ticket is rather expensive =( for the festival is taking cost Rp 750.000,00, the VIP is Rp 10.000.000,00!!But special for VIP’s seats, they will have a chance to meet Rain and take a photo with him,, oh,, such a lucky person,, I hope someone drop down his/her ticket so i can see Rain’s performance freely ,,khekhe,,


GENIA FESTIVAL: Let’s break the rule!!

Hello everbody!!! ^^
Korean mania,, especially ELF, Cassies, Hottest!!Really miss you all!! I’m extremely feel sorry cause i can’t post anything for about two weeks later,, T^T mianhae,, i’m busy that time,, school thingy make me can’t even touch the internet and my blog!! Arrrgh!!!

Btw, my mid term exam was already done,, huuraay!! ^o^v
But screw you discrete of mathematics, algorithm and data structure!! I’m fed up bcoz I got a red mark,, LoL well, just forget it,,

Now i’m attending on an event to break Mui’s record..
Muri is like,, hmm,,, how can i say?? Just make it simple,, it’s like β€œguiness book of record” Indonesian version,, It’s the same like GboR, the award will be given for someone who has a great talent or a unique event,, the difference is just while GboR is awarded for all the people in this world, MURI is only for indonesian people,, so let’s break the record!!

Right now i’m become a partisipant and join one of the unique event. In this event we gather all in one building and do surfing and blogging for about 2 hours. For me as the internet maniac, this event is really great (since it’s FREE!!!,, khekhe,, XD ).

This event is under one’s belt by GENIA. GENIA which means β€œGema Informatika” (In Bahasa, CMIIW) is an event from the faculty of Informatic Engineering in my campus. They try to break MURI’s record by give a freedom for the participant to doing surf for about 2 hours. And at least there are 1500 participant who come to this event,, weeew,, and i’m become the one of participant who attend,,

I think this event is good for us who like to surf the internet (like me,, khekhe,, :b). I can post something in my blog for one hour and the rest hour i’ll online in my youtube account,, woow,, that’s really great!! =)
That’s why for this one hour, I’ll posting some news about our favourites artist,, hope it can replace your emptiness for this two weeks and fulfill your thirstyness about korean entertainment!!^^

PS: bcoz right now i’m a participant in GENIA’s event to break the MURI’s record, so only for this time i’ll use GENIA FESTIVAL in every title post. Hope it can’t disturb and make you confused while reading,, luv ya,,


2PM has release new album!!!!

2PM already release their new album with full single,, Tired of Waiting and I was Crazy about You,, Check it out guys!!

‘2PM’ First Album – Tired of Waiting

2Pm – I was Crazy About You


hai hai hai!!! ^^

sorry for being absent to post a news here,, ^^ i’m really busy withΒ  my task!! my lecturer always give me a weirdo assignment to do,, LoL


[INFO] Steps On How To Vote For Mnet MAMA 09


credit: minsarang@wp


[INFO] How to Register at MNET + Voting for M! Countdown

Registering at Mnet

1. Go to https://newmember.mnet.com/Registration/MbrJoinGate.asp [Now follow the steps below]


Vote for M! Countdown

Go to http://mnet.mnet.com , then follow these steps





You can vote once a day!

Credits: Shinki forums

shared by: misarang@wp


hai haiiiii,,

aww,, long time no see chingu,, ^^

forgive for being inacive,, really busy with my college task,,

hope you still read this blog,, khekhe,,


Erkin Bekbolotov

don’t ask me why the title is Erkin Bekbolotov,, if you curious, just click here,,

last month i got a new part time job,, i think it’ll nice since i’ll got many experience about how’s excitingΒ  work in a company,,

but the one i got is only sitting on my desk and doing nothing,, LoL it’s really make me sleepy though and of course i can’t sleep here,, *cause my boss sitting infront of my desk,, T^T*

just wish me luck since i’ll out from this job one month later,, huffft,,

btw SHINee new album so jjang!!! XD and poor minho he can’t take apart for the first comeback stage dance because of his injury leg,, get well soon uri minho!!!


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